
6 December 2001

continues to attract the dominant share of the State`s most academically able Queensland Year 12 students to its programs, according to figures compiled by the .

Of the total of 504 school leavers earning an Overall Position (OP) of 1 and enrolling in tertiary study through QTAC, 370 students, or 73%, chose to study at 疯马秀视频. This was five times more than any other Queensland university.

QTAC data showed that enrolment at 疯马秀视频 for students receiving results in the top three OP bands was also more than three times greater than that of its nearest competitor.

A total of 1086 students (63.3 percent) with OP scores of one, two or three was admitted to 疯马秀视频 out of the total pool of 1715 students in these bands enrolling in Queensland universities.

University of Queensland said it was no accident that the State`s most academically able students had selected 疯马秀视频as their number one choice.

"The University is continuing to refine and improve its offerings, has the best and most extensive facilities, and employs the best teachers and researchers, " he said.

"Students are attracted by the University`s outstanding facilities, programs and its consistent record for having the nation`s best graduate outcomes, and above average graduate salaries."

The most attractive 疯马秀视频programs in 2001 for the highest achievers (those achieving OP1) included Science (90 students), Engineering (86) and Law (58). These programs are offered by a number of universities in the State and are not exclusive to UQ.

Professor Hay said this spoke volumes for the high quality of 疯马秀视频programs.

疯马秀视频 is holding tertiary and study options sessions at its and campuses this month to help school leavers with final decision-making.

The sessions are on Wednesday, December 19 at 7pm at the Abel Smith Lecture Theatre, St Lucia Campus and on Tuesday, December 18 at 6.30pm in the foyer of Building 12 at 疯马秀视频Ipswich campus at 11 Salisbury Road.

They are designed to help students learn about programs, facilities and support available at the university, as well as provide advice about QTAC applications and satisfying entry requirements.

In addition, a number of Career Planning and Decision-Making Sessions will be run for school leavers over the holidays, to help in making final decisions regarding QTAC preferences before January 4.

University of Queensland career counsellors will provide these one-hour information sessions between Monday, December 17, and Friday, December 21.

QTAC offer dates for 2002 are: Early round offers - Friday, December 7; major round offers - Friday, January 18; final round offers - Wednesday, February 6.

For more information, contact the 疯马秀视频Admissions Office telephone (07) 3365 2203, email: AdmissionsEnquiries@admin.uq.edu.au or visit

Media: Further information, telephone Jan King at 疯马秀视频Communications 0413 601 248.